
Due to the current situation:

The legacy of Professor Roland Meyer-Pittroff for global mobility (2017 !)

 Planet Cubes GmbH has taken over the following patent for the entire US market:



The inventors are Dr Peter Grauer and Professor Roland Meyer-Pittroff.

Planet Cubes GmbH sees it as a primary task to ensure compliance with these patent rights in the USA. 

Professor Meyer-Pittroff (*1942-died 2020) was one of the most distinguished power plant engineers in the world and worked for decades in leading positions at Siemens AG. He was responsible for the construction of several large Siemens power plants. From 2007, Professor Meyer-Pittroff researched and defined the entire foundations of the e-methanol and e-fuels industry. 
In close partnership and cooperation with the investor Dr Peter Grauer, Professor Meyer-Pittroff visited a large number of European companies in the automotive, chemical and energy supply industries, particularly from 2009 onwards, in order to explain the advantages of a green methanol economy, as described by the Nobel Prize winner Professor George A. Olah, in a scientifically sound manner. 


Dr Peter Grauer's team also enabled Professor Meyer-Pittroff to build the first industrially mobile power-to-liquid methanol plant from 2010, which was completed in 2011 and then sold to Fraunhofer UMSICHT in 2018 at the request of major industry, where it has since provided the Fraunhofer Umsicht Institute and renowned companies with fundamental insights for the industrial roll-out of e-fuels technology as part of the Carbon2Chem project (see below for details).
Back in November 2017, Professor Meyer-Pittroff sent the following letter to Mr Joe Kaeser, then CEO of Siemens AG, and Dr Peter Grauer (see below for details).


In this letter, Professor Meyer-Pittroff mentions the massive advantages of e-fuels technology and, together with Dr Peter Grauer (founder and majority shareholder of Silicon Fire), provided the initial impetus for Siemens AG to switch to power-to-green methanol instead of the technological aberration of e-methane. This also laid the foundations for a series of industrial e-fuels projects by various companies in different countries, particularly in the USA and Chile. 


The global breakthrough of e-fuels technology for all mobility sectors has recently become apparent, especially since Reliance Industries, one of Asia's leading energy companies, has made the decision to completely convert its largest conventional refinery in Jamnagar (India) to Green Aviation Fuels (SAF).
Planet Cubes GmbH will keep you informed. 

US patent, Brief PMP, the first power-to-liquid methanol plant

US-Patent No.: US 9,631,287 B2


Planet Cubes GmbH considers it a primary task to ensure compliance with these patent rights in the USA.

Planet Cubes GmbH has taken over the following patent for the entire US market.

Back in november 2017 

Professor Meyer-Pittroff sent a letter to Mr Joe Kaeser, then CEO of Siemens AG, and Dr Peter Grauer.

Excerpt: "I believe that the economic dimension of the imminent introduction of e-fuels is clear and appropriate as a new business area for Siemens AG. It is economic policy masochism to go after domestic lignite in order to reduce CO2 emissions in Germany.  90 million tonnes of crude oil imports per year (34% of primary energy consumption) can be substituted by renewable e-fuels! And the regenerative substitution of oil is much more economical than that of coal, because the price of oil is several times higher than the price of coal! 
There are already contacts between the Swiss companies mentioned and Siemens (contact person at PG Erlangen: Mr Herbert Fahrnbauer), but in my opinion on far too low a flame. Your influence, dear Mr Kaeser, would certainly work wonders. Think big, please! 
With best regards 
Yours, Roland Meyer-Pittroff "

The first industrial mobile power-to-liquid methanol plant

Dr Peter Grauer's team also enabled Professor Meyer-Pittroff to build the first industrially mobile power-to-liquid methanol plant, which was sold to Fraunhofer Umsicht in 2018 and has since provided the Fraunhofer Umsicht Institute and renowned companies with fundamental insights for the industrial roll-out of e-fuels technology as part of the Carbon2Chem project.

Source: carbon2chem-climate-protection-broschuere-phase2 - Fraunhofer UMSICHT


Energy of the Future

Master the energy transition with us

We offer customized solutions and products to implement both regional and large-scale, national ans international, systems for energy self-sufficiency. Our focus is on e-fuels, fuel cells, and solar applications. Let’s shape the future together!

Plant Cubes GmbH

Your partner for expertise in the global e-fuels world.

Planet Cubes is a private company that offers supportive concepts as a marketing, management and service company. 

As a central enabler, Planet Cubes brings entrepreneurs and companies in Europe, Asia and the USA into innovative business relationships so that Green Methanol Cubes and other e-fuels can be used to decarbonise road transport across continents. 

The Planet Cubes shareholders have global experience in the implementation of renewable energy concepts. 

Industrial production

The path to the future of renewable fuels clearly lies in an industrialised and strategic approach that is characterised by solid partnerships, innovative technologies and sustainable business models. The focus should always be on long-term profitability and the creation of a global market for renewable energy sources, including e-fuels. 

The experience and strategic principles of the Peter Grauer investment team show how important it is to learn from the past and focus on pragmatic solutions. A clear definition of framework conditions, innovative technologies and close cooperation between different players form the foundation for a sustainable energy future. 

In the future, the pace will be set solely by those nations that are prepared to be the first to consistently convert refineries to e-fuels production on a large scale, without neglecting or even cancelling the income streams from the conventional fuel world during the transformation phase. In direct combination and correlation with supranational distribution and logistics concepts, this can certainly succeed according to our current state of knowledge. 

The world is waiting for market participants who are now boldly building the industrial basis for the turnaround to the world of e-fuels production with vision.  

Download brochure



‘The nation that seizes this epoch-making opportunity will reshape global energy markets.’ 

I. The start of a new industrial era
II. The most important key to success: the independence of the Peter Grauer investment team and the vision of e-fuels
III. Important prerequisites for market development
IV. Scientific foundations and global perspectives 
V. The future lies in realisation
VI. The first decisive step towards establishing a new industry: development, construction and commissioning of a pilot plant for e-fuels

1. research and development work as the foundation stone
 2. self-financing of the pilot plant
 3. practical tests and authorisation procedure
 4. initial market experience
 5. innovations in the field of diesel reduction
VII. The second decisive step towards industrialisation: cooperation with open-technology countries and established partners
1. Licensing as the key to scaling up
2. necessary discretion and protection of expertise
VIII. Financing and location identification: building blocks for the future
1. financing models for a new industry
2. integration of e-fuels plants into hydropower sites
3. evaluation and identification of alternative e-fuels production sites
IX. Future prospects: Challenges and solutions
1. Clear foundations for investments and stable pricing models
2. Infrastructure and biogenic CO2
3. customers and market integration
4. partnerships and investors
X. Vision for the future

Our visions and innovative projects

Planet Cubes 

The introduction of a new type of fuel requires immediate availability: initially regionally, then internationally. A distribution system in cubes solves this problem in its own way: the organizationally complicated conversion of conventional fuel pumps at traditional gas stations is eliminated.

New supply structures for the end customer are created, which function even in the event of partial or complete power outages. Even the procurement of cube supplies is straightforward. Planet Cubes have the potential to become the "smartphones of the fuel trade." 

We would be happy to explain how you can be involved from the very beginning.

e³-Changer - "Power for Everyone, Everywhere" 

Environmental impacts and the transition to renewable energy sources are increasingly destabilizing power grids: the physically logical consequences of the energy transition, as predicted by many physicists. Longer blackouts are becoming and have become a reality. 

For these critical power supply scenarios, the e³-Changer (e³ = Emergency-Energy-Equipment) provides the solution: powered by Planet Cubes (Green Methanol), it is a generator with a variety of applications, including charging electric vehicles. 

The e³-Changer supplies power for private use when regular power sources experience disruptions. 

It works because Green Methanol in cubes is the practical implementation of the understanding that electricity can also be stored in liquid form.

Planet Cubes and E-Fuels global

A key focus of our work is to provide services in various ways to structure international markets for e-fuels and actively initiate e-fuels production in as many locations around the world as possible. 

The future will be decentralized production facilities and extremely lean distribution systems for e-fuels, which will dissolve cumbersome dependencies between countries, as well as between industry and individual consumers, and completely redefine them.

At the end of this development, ideally, there will be e-fuels production plants for end customers, acting as regional interest groups. 

The significant characteristics of this future generation of e-fuels production plants: easy to operate and cost-effective to produce.

The development of e-fuels since 2000

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Starting from the year 2000, when it first became apparent that electromobility was to play an industrial role in the mobility sector, a small group of three entrepreneurs decided to commission a scientific-empirical investigation into whether synthetic fuels globally had a real chance of substituting conventional fossil fuels in the coming decades. After intense discussions, they coined the term "e-fuels" as a generic term for all types of synthetic fuels, registered the corresponding domains, thus laying the groundwork for this new branch in the renewable energy sector. Today, the term "e-fuels" is known on all continents, continuously used in the media, and established as a common word for this future fuel sector in industry, media, and everyday language.

From 2005, the founding fathers of the modern e-fuels generation commissioned various universities and institutions in Europe and the USA to conduct commissioned research. The direction of this research was led by Professor Dr.-Ing Roland Meyer-Pittroff (Technical University, Munich). At the time, the central theme of the research was to determine which technological path was most promising for advancing decarbonization impartially and economically producing e-fuels globally. Based on the foundational work of BASF in the 1920s and the application tests of Daimler-Benz AG around 1981 (Mercedes Bus O 305 with methanol drive), it was established after two years that Green Methanol was the key and the basic material for entering into a methanol economy, as described by Nobel laureate George A. Olah in his book "Beyond Oil and Gas – The Methanol Economy".

From 2009 onwards, Professor Dr.-Ing Meyer Pittroff's team focused on the engineering and construction of a mobile methanol production plant. The starting point was the question of whether a refinery for e-fuels production could also be produced as a smaller facility: The idea of "smartphonizing e-fuels refineries" was born.

With exclusively private financing on the scale of a medium double-digit million amount, the construction of the first industrial PtL methanol plant was funded, which commenced its test operation in 2011. In 2018, this industrial prototype was sold to Fraunhofer Umsicht, which has since presented this plant to politicians, scientists, industrial companies, and an interested public internationally.

In parallel, since 2009, the fathers of e-fuels have been in personal contact with around 100 leading industrial companies in the mineral, electricity, and automotive sectors in Europe, as well as the USA and Asia, to present the results of the advanced research, development, and engineering work of Dr. Meyer-Pittroff and his colleagues. Through this foundational work across the industry, in the last four years since 2020, there has been a willingness within the European industry to consider certain propulsion systems of electromobility from a different perspective.

Currently, due to these coordinated efforts, a gradual shift in thinking is taking place in the global industry. A recent example is the Hapag-Lloyd Group, which announced a few days ago that its transport ships will soon also be fueled by e-fuels of the Green Methanol variety.


The scientific foundations and basic materials of 

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Simply put, e-fuels require externally supplied energy during their production process. Hydrogen (H²) often serves as the energy carrier, which has been produced at industrial volumes through various technology pathways for over a century. The technology is state-of-the-art and applied worldwide.

To make hydrogen transportable and storable over longer periods, one of the best methods is to directly mix carbon dioxide with hydrogen. This method is both efficient and cost-effective. Through this chemical reaction, green methanol is produced as the first type of e-fuels, which can be further refined into other types of e-fuels. However, each refining process incurs additional costs, and typically involves a variety of tax implications.

Since sources for renewable energy generation are by definition unlimited (which is sometimes overlooked in general-popular considerations), and there is also an ample supply of carbon dioxide, the two base materials for green methanol production are ideally suited to create a global e-fuels economy based on green methanol. There are no production, quantity, or distribution problems unless artificially created.

Engineering and construction of e-fuels facilities 

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A multitude of industrial companies as well as globally operating corporations engineer and construct e-fuels facilities. Their production capacities are at a level that allows for systematically establishing e-fuels production sites at various locations around the world. It is advisable to establish e-fuels production sites particularly near international airports and seaports.

The decisive factor for establishing a sustainable global e-fuels economy lies solely in the impartial consideration of technological pathways and a serious political will for industrial e-fuels production. From the perspectives of engineering and technological readiness, the construction of e-fuels facilities is immediately feasible. 

Business Fundamentals

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The production costs and selling prices of the common types of e-fuels are now precisely defined and calculable, applicable across all regions of the global market. The issue with the often significantly divergent price calculations circulating, which particularly lead to controversial political discussions, lies in the fact that the individual production steps are not precisely separated or tendentiously distorted to justify a specific outcome.

A concrete example: Around one-third of the base materials for chemically simple structured e-fuels compounds is carbon dioxide, specifically in the form of biogenic carbon dioxide. This type of carbon dioxide can be obtained from various industrial processes as well as through extraction from the air. Both production methods for obtaining biogenic carbon dioxide are technically feasible, disregarding costs initially.

However, there is one fundamentally significant difference: While a ton of biogenic carbon dioxide from industrial processes costs around €45 per ton, the cost for a ton of biogenic carbon dioxide from air extraction in some process pathways is ten to twenty times higher, reaching around €800 per ton. Depending on which carbon dioxide base price one incorporates into their own e-fuels cost calculation, the projected selling price of e-fuels can be scaled up to one's own preferred ranges.

The team led by Professor Dr.-Ing. Meyer-Pittroff has analyzed and compared a variety of specific business calculations and business models in detail. The fact afterwards is that a variety of e-fuels types can already be produced and sold in economically viable dimensions today. Only an objective view of the profitability and truthfulness of the underlying cost structures determines the answer to the question of whether e-fuels are indeed economically viable or not.

The honest answer is inevitably: E-fuels are economically viable and thus meaningful, as confirmed precisely in the maritime sector by the commitment of the two industry leaders Maersk and, more recently, Hapag Lloyd to Green Methanol as fuels.

Approval Process: DIN Compatibility

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A key advantage of e-fuels is that all common types of e-fuels are already DIN-certified. Time-consuming and costly investments in specific e-fuels approval processes are minimized to a manageable extent. E-fuels are integrated into the everyday product worlds of the petroleum, automotive, and power industries. This is particularly true for the maritime sector, where the IMO (International Maritime Organization) and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) have made pioneering decisions in favor of Green Methanol as an e-fuels type based on extensive global assessments. These decisions are also irreversible. 


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The petroleum industry is characterized by the unique feature that this energy sector possesses a globally spanning distribution system reaching down to the individual consumer. Through this distribution network, the distribution of all common types of e-fuels can be easily accomplished.

Furthermore, distribution of e-fuels via cubes as an innovative form of distribution is also possible: Today, e-fuels can already be obtained directly for personal use through well-known online trading companies. These online companies, serving as trading platforms, will be able to secure continuously growing market shares through automation using AI.

The importance of e-fuels for global mobility

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Should every citizen continue to have the opportunity to actively engage in individual mobility? 

Mobility is also a part of the human right to individual freedom. If future mobility solely focuses on electromobility, the mobility of all citizens could come to a halt at the push of a button by simultaneously deactivating all charging stations. The solution lies in e-fuels, because electricity can also be in liquid form. 


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E-fuels are another form of electricity, but for convenient portability. 


“Moving Beyond the Traditional Economy: E-Fuels Advancing to the Next Industrial Stage.”

Innovative Humanity connects traditional humanistic values with modern, forward-looking approaches, which is why we are a member of "Innovative Humanity".

Promoting and developing E-Fuels as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. E-Fuels are synthetic fuels produced from water and carbon dioxide using electrical energy. 

They can be climate-neutral if the electricity comes from renewable sources. This enables environmentally friendly use of existing combustion engines and infrastructure.

Sustainable Mobility
Support the development and use of E-Fuels to promote a climate-neutral future. Together, we can create a world based on empathy, sustainability, and technological innovation.